Friday, December 3, 2010

Ok, so maybe right now I like this blogging thing, who knows how long it will last...;)

Ok, well, it didn't take me long to gravitate back to the blog page, maybe around 10 hours to be exact.:)But my first entry was more or less getting an entry out there, cause knowing myself, I will talk, and think TOO MUCH about the pros and the cons, analyze, question myself, mention it to others, get their opinion on the matter and by the time I finally decide it's been 12 years(exaggeration) and no one even blogs anymore??..=), so though I didn't have much to say at all, I bit the bullet(so many phrases I've heard in conversations, but don't know if I am using them correctly, but I'm okay with that:) ), tried to figure out a layout and photos I liked and typed out a bunch of nonsensical things then, practically closed my eyes and pressed the "publish" key(I had to check to see where the the publish key was before I closed my eyes, otherwise I might be pushing,"delete", or... something......k, I didn't really close my eyes, trying to just provide imagery..:))and BOOM again, my ramblings were published for all to see.=)(Yay for all of you who read this though! I think there may be maybe 3 of you:), again, I'm fine with that:))But the main concept I want anyone to come away with from my first post is that I do NOT take myself TOO seriously.I have convictions and ways I see things, but I know that, as each human is a unique creation, we all view and feel different ways about things.And I don't totally believe any one human is completely correct in any one opinion they personally believe(except foundational Christian truths like the Apostle's Creed or something), because we are ALL flawed humans. Now don't get wigged out and think I'm being radical, that's not me:).I believe God reveals and speaks through humans, but any and everything one PERSON says is not 100% correct every time, unless they are Jesus Himself. What the Bible says is 100% correct EVERY time, but even that can be interpreted in so many different ways by so many different people.So, all this to say that I know that MY opinion and outlook on things are only that, MINE, the way through God's guidance He has revealed things to ME. So I know the concepts I have are not the final WORD, they are just MY personal view point on things, and every person goes through their own personal experiences, so we can, as a body of Christ, all see and empathize with different experiences people have been through cause we ourselves have been there and experienced it and God has revealed Himself individually and personally to us,so that we can use to help others.This thought has been a foundation for me through out my life and anything I've been through.
My first foundational concept that I cling to and trust with all my heart is my life verse,which I claimed as my own(You can use it too, if you want,.. I guess..;))when I was at BIYOCA camp in junior high, Romans 8:28-"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose" and then when I've faced and struggled through those "things' God is working for the good of me", I then rely on the verse from II Corinthians 1:3,4-"Praise be to God our Father and Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in ALL our troubles so we ourselves can comfort OTHERS with the comfort WE OURSELVES have RECEIVED FROM CHRIST." So personally this is how God has revealed some of HIS truths to me.All this being said, since we all are different individuals with our own personal relationship and interactions with Christ, what are some of the individual lesson God has revealed to you so far in your life?:)
Well, once again, thanks for patiently bumbling along with me through my typing run ons:). Thanks, God bless!:)
(I'm going to close my eyes and push "publish" again now, ...ha, just kidding,...kinda....:) )

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