Saturday, March 12, 2011

Just a bunch of sheep..

So, I've been doing some more pondering…..……ok, since I was 17, I personally have struggled with and dealt with an, at times, debilitating anxiety disorder. There are MANY things I have learned and I know there are so many reasons for why it happened in my life. One obvious reason would be because my obsessive compulsive disorder was one of the major factors in bringing my husband and I together.(He also has OCD, and wow, can it be a crazy life sometimes..:/)
      So, after dealing with and attempting to know how to manage this sickness there is A LOT of things I have come away learning. One, and probably the most important lesson I have learn and come to understand is, I know, I, as a human being have limits. I know that there are things that are harder for me and after a whole lot of attempting, I have learned that there are a lot of things that I now need to expect are going to be tougher to accomplish. And after much struggling with accepting this concept I finally have come to the realization that, since I know God is so much greater then I will ever be even at my best, I can accept my inability and I am okay.
    In our culture though I believe the enemy again, has unfortunately used our own prideful sinful nature against us, and the slyly allowed  the concept of ACCOMPLISHMENT, SELF RELIANCE AND MOST OF ALL SELF SUFFICIENCY to overwhelm our society, and falsely give us the belief that there’s NOTHING we can’t do. And therefore no one ever welcomes the notion of embracing our inability. Now, yes, with God all things ARE possible, but there has to be a balance of thinking we’re good for nothing and can’t accomplish anything and believing we are unstoppable and capable of any and everything.
   The enemy’s main objective is to do anything that would distract us and take our attention off of God, and what could be more effective then, fooling us into believing that, we, as an individual, ARE totally capable and know, on our own, thank you very much, what is best for ourselves and our world?
  Now, once again, you have to bring the balance factor in, you can never go to one extreme or the other. But, at the moment I am watching the news and the earthquake has just happened in Japan. There are riots continuing in the Middle East countries and Americans in Wisconsin are going crazy protesting the anti- union bill. CHAOS.
     As I watch the news all I see are uncertain, fearful humans running around everywhere in a panic, as they should be. Because if we, as humans, believe there is going to be one individual person who would be able to discover and formulate a plan that will bring the world peace and a much waited stability, then yes, they SHOULD be running around in a tizzy, cause we are not going to find anyone. Yes, God gives guidance and wisdom to His people and will speak  his message through leaders, but looking to one person(president, any world leader) for the answers isn’t going to work, cause they may be able to speak well or lead effectively, but they are just one more flawed human like the rest of us.
      So, this is my point, as a result of the sickness I’ve dealt with I do not find it hard to believe and understand that I am lacking and that  I DO NOT know everything. That is very easy for me to accept. But for the average American I don’t think it is. I believe we have totally bought into the idea of us, ourselves, knowing best. And our world will continue to sell to us and push down our throat every new technique, book, or pill to take to improve us and eventually make us the best person we could be.
Now, I believe the Creator wants us to be the best Creation we are able to be, but I also believe that he wants to understand our place and our rank.
      In reality, compared to God, we are stupid, defenseless, crowd following sheep, that will naturally self destruct if we do not follow our SHEPHERD. And our SHEPHERD is NOT, thankfully, one of our other fellow sheep cause that would be the “blind leading the blind”. (They are as lost as we are).

   Everything and everyone around us, including everyone in our own feeble minded society is telling us to fear. They are uncertain of so many things and dieing to find THE ANSWER, but unless they concede and acknowledge their insufficiency and submit to an all knowing, loving God, their anxiety and uneasiness will be eternal. But I personally am so grateful that I do know the One, who DOES know all the answers and  He HAS ALREADY seen the future and its outcome, and despite all He has seen, the main point the wants me to understand is that, yes, there will be trouble but He’s fully aware of all of it, and he STILL directs us to have peace.

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